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Vodka - pure clarity in the online spirits store!

What happens if you ban the serving of the spirit vodka? A huge market for moonshine distilleries would open up. The clear alcoholic drink is so popular that nobody wants to do without it. Because that's exactly what happened when vodka could no longer be bought in 1914. At the beginning of the First World War, the Russian Tsar imposed this ban. And bang - state revenue fell by as much as a third. Impressive, isn't it? And that's exactly why we, as a reliable online spirits store, don't want it to come to that. And offer you countless types of vodka. Whether you want to buy vodka cheaply or opt for something exclusive: We stock the popular vodka brands such as Smirnoff, Skyy and Russian Standart.

Or you can buy premium vodka and treat yourself to something special with Belvedere and others, which are vodka test winners. What does vodka actually taste like? Vodka's taste is almost neutral because fusel oils, aromas, and other substances are absent. This is why a lemon slice is often added to give the drink a certain zest. Generally, vodka is made from carbohydrate-rich raw materials. Some types of vodka are made from grain, while others are made from potatoes or molasses-a honey-like sugar syrup. However, since the latter makes the drink inferior, Poland and other Northern European countries demanded a universally applicable purity law, stating that alcohol should only be made from grain and potatoes. This purity law is in effect in Russia and Ukraine, making these two countries known for high-quality vodka.

But what grain is used for preparation until you can buy vodka online? It is rye, as this grain variety makes the drink taste pleasant, mild, and slightly sweet. Potatoes have been used since the 19th century. This makes the taste of the clear drink somewhat heavier and sweeter, which is mainly produced in Poland and Ukraine. Generally, vodka is drunk neat. As so-called shots, often chilled. However, some cocktail mixes like the well-known "Vodka-O", Vodka Red Bull, or Vodka Sour are also popular. In our vodka shop, you can order various vodka brands and discover the differences. Our tip: Vodka is one of the few alcoholic drinks that doesn't cause an alcohol breath. Therefore, this alcohol is especially suitable for a nice evening during the week, where there will be no unpleasant smell in the office the next morning. Of course, you should always consume responsibly when ordering from our online spirits shop.