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6 O´Clock Brunel Edition Gin 0,05L 50%

Product information "6 O´Clock Brunel Edition Gin 0,05L 50%"

6 O´Clock Brunel Edition Gin Miniatures 0,05L 50%

Vor fast 30 Jahren führten Edward und Penny Kain eine Obstfarm, auf der sie begannen, köstliche Fruchtliköre herzustellen, die rasch große Beliebtheit erlangten. Ausgehend von ihrem ersten Gin-Rezept entwickelten sie einen aromatischen Sloe Gin. Einige Jahre später übernahmen ihre Kinder, Michael und Felicity, die erfolgreiche Brennerei. Mit ihrem Wissen um die Familientradition in der Likörherstellung verfeinerten sie das Gin-Rezept weiter. Das Ergebnis ist der charaktervolle 6 O’clock Gin, der durch sorgfältig ausgewählte Botanicals und eine perfekt abgestimmte Rezeptur mit einem erfrischend klaren Geschmack überzeugt.

Der 6 O'Clock Brunel Edition Gin bietet ein komplexes Geschmacksprofil, das durch die Zugabe von zusätzlichem Wacholder und sechs neuen Botanicals bereichert wird: grüner Kardamom, Muskatnuss, Kreuzkümmel, Cassia-Rinde, Kubebenpfeffer und Zitrone. Diese sorgfältig ausgewählten Zutaten verleihen dem Gin einen kräftigeren, reicheren Geschmack, der eine harmonische Kombination aus erdiger Süße und frischer Zitrusnote bietet und in einem trocken-würzigen Abgang endet.

Dank dieses einzigartigen Geschmacksprofils zieht der 6 O'Clock Brunel Edition oft Liebhaber erdigere Getränke wie Whisky an, und ist sowohl für Gin Tonic als auch für kreative Cocktails ideal geeignet.

Alcohol content: 50% Vol.
Country: Great Britain
Filling quantity: 0,05 Liter
Responsible food business operator: 6 O’clock Gin Distillery Unit C6 Ashville Park, Short Way, Thornbury, BS35 3UU, Großbriannien
Type: Gin

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Content: 0.05 Liter (€119.00* / 1 Liter)

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Content: 0.05 Liter (€119.00* / 1 Liter)

€5.95* €14.95* (60.2% saved)
Harahorn Gin Miniatur 0,05L 46%
Harahorn Gin Miniature 0.05L 46% History Harahorn Gin is named after a Norwegian mountain in Hemsedal, where the wonderful juniper berries are harvested, and after a Norwegian legendary figure that no one has seen to this day. Known in North America as a 'jackalope', and called 'Harahorn' in Norway, it refers to a horned hare. After a production monopoly for alcohol existed in the Nordic countries, which was lifted for Norway in 2005, the former Puntervold / Agder Brenneri (now Det Norske Brenneri) was able to operate its production and barrel storage facilities in Grimstad in the south of Norway. They mainly produced apple wine and the caraway schnapps that is popular in the Scandinavian countries. They were the first private distillery after 80 years of state monopoly. Harahorn Gin The long summer days and the dark, cold winter nights create the perfect climatic conditions for the berries and herbs used in Harahorn Gin. Alcohol from potatoes forms the basis here. In addition, only selected, regional botanicals are used, with which the producers have experimented for a long time. In addition to the juniper from Røros, these include blueberries from Nordmarka on the outskirts of Oslo and seaweed from the city. This gin is produced in relatively small equipment with a capacity of 300 liters and is therefore a very special gin with each distillation process. Harahorn Gin can now be found not only in delicatessens and specialty stores. It can also be found above the clouds. SAS Flights has added the Scandinavian gin to its range. The guests on board should be offered a unique experience and so the Harahorn Gin joins the diverse selection of artisanal drinks on board. Tasting Don't be fooled by the typically clear appearance of this gin: clear aroma of juniper and citrus fruits on the nose. A surprisingly deep taste. In addition to the unmistakable juniper berries, spicy notes round off the overall picture of the gin and convince in the finish with the lasting freshness of the citrus fruits.

Content: 0.05 Liter (€90.00* / 1 Liter)

Elg Gin No. 3. Navy Strength Miniatur, 0,05L 57,2%
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Content: 0.05 Liter (€110.00* / 1 Liter)


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Content: 0.7 Liter (€15.64* / 1 Liter)

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Content: 0.05 Liter (€90.00* / 1 Liter)

Harahorn Gin Miniatur 0,05L 46%
Harahorn Gin Miniature 0.05L 46% History Harahorn Gin is named after a Norwegian mountain in Hemsedal, where the wonderful juniper berries are harvested, and after a Norwegian legendary figure that no one has seen to this day. Known in North America as a 'jackalope', and called 'Harahorn' in Norway, it refers to a horned hare. After a production monopoly for alcohol existed in the Nordic countries, which was lifted for Norway in 2005, the former Puntervold / Agder Brenneri (now Det Norske Brenneri) was able to operate its production and barrel storage facilities in Grimstad in the south of Norway. They mainly produced apple wine and the caraway schnapps that is popular in the Scandinavian countries. They were the first private distillery after 80 years of state monopoly. Harahorn Gin The long summer days and the dark, cold winter nights create the perfect climatic conditions for the berries and herbs used in Harahorn Gin. Alcohol from potatoes forms the basis here. In addition, only selected, regional botanicals are used, with which the producers have experimented for a long time. In addition to the juniper from Røros, these include blueberries from Nordmarka on the outskirts of Oslo and seaweed from the city. This gin is produced in relatively small equipment with a capacity of 300 liters and is therefore a very special gin with each distillation process. Harahorn Gin can now be found not only in delicatessens and specialty stores. It can also be found above the clouds. SAS Flights has added the Scandinavian gin to its range. The guests on board should be offered a unique experience and so the Harahorn Gin joins the diverse selection of artisanal drinks on board. Tasting Don't be fooled by the typically clear appearance of this gin: clear aroma of juniper and citrus fruits on the nose. A surprisingly deep taste. In addition to the unmistakable juniper berries, spicy notes round off the overall picture of the gin and convince in the finish with the lasting freshness of the citrus fruits.

Content: 0.05 Liter (€90.00* / 1 Liter)

Harahorn Pink Gin Miniatur 0,05L 40%
Harahorn Pink Gin 0,05L 40% Harahorn repräsentiert das pure Norwegen. In der kleinen Destillerie werden nur etwa 300 Liter der feinen Destillate pro Charge produziert, wodurch stets eine gleichbleibend hohe Qualität gewährleistet ist. Zur Herstellung des Harahorn Gin werden ausschließlich Beeren und Kräuter aus der norwegischen Natur verwendet, die im Mittelpunkt stehen sollen. Der Name des Gins hat zwei bedeutende Ursprünge: einem Berg in Hemsedalen und einem Fabelwesen, dem Harahorn, einem gehörnten Hasen, was die norwegische Verbundenheit des Gins unterstreicht. Harahorn Pink Gin 0,05L 40% basiert auf dem bekannten Harahorn Gin und wird mit einem Extrakt aus Premium-Himbeeren und frischem Zitronensaft verfeinert. Er kann pur genossen werden, eignet sich aber auch hervorragend für einen Gin Tonic. Dabei empfiehlt es sich, die Menge des Tonic Waters um 15-20 % zu reduzieren.

Content: 0.05 Liter (€90.00* / 1 Liter)
